Thursday 15 May 2014

Cains Brewery Est Morte-J'accuse The Dusanj Brothers.

Cains Brewery has been ransacked for scrap.
Today we witnessed the huge brewing vats being craned out and driven off for scrap. 

Never to brew again.

The Dusanj Brothers destroy our history. 
PR'd by shysters who care about nothing but a fee.
PR people who would sell their grandmothers for cash......who care little for jobs or heritage......just money.
Feeders to the local press who dont do the work to confirm the full extent to the economy. Just report what they are spooned.

How can they get away with this act vandalism right in front of the eyes of Joe "Il Duce" Anderson the, Mayor Who will probably give them a grant out of the Mayoral Development fund because they belong to his mate Frank mcKenna's crew at Downtown Liverpool In Business.
 Someone needs to check out whether they are getting council assistance.........our money to do this??????

Take a look of how the incestuous relationship is unfolding between PR and Mayors office.

We are allowing them to destroy a brewery to create a Tesco or some other supermarket that will put another load of small businesses to the sword.