Tuesday 17 December 2013

Save Grafton Street Stable From The Dusanj Brothers

Another decent building about to bite the dust. How many more can we lose?

This is a handsome building one of the last stables in Liverpool. In Grafton Street next to Cains.

An Edwardian stables of red stock brick with fine details. It has its original gates.
The Baltic village masterminded by the Dusanj Brothers and their crafty antic and helped along by shady PR companies.

We think the council may even be giving them a grant for it.


Derek Hatton was the one who delivered redundancy notices to council; workers in Taxi’s.

This council gives grants to developers that will lose scores of jobs for workers.

Come Back Derek Hatton all is forgiven. (thats a joke please dont)


This is a good building that needs saving because they will knock it down.

Situated next to Cains Brewery, which has been closed by the Brothers Grimm, the Dusanj.

They don’t care, they have no concern for peoples lives, all they wish to do is make money on the site.

They say they will be retaining a craft brewery, yet we saw the Giant copper Vats being removed over the weekend

Here’s one we did earlier



Peel Holdings Win Salford Star Exellence Award


Star date: 5th December 2013


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the annual Salford Star Mary Burns Awards, given out to stupid statements, dodgy dealings and iffy activities over the past 12 months.

The judges had no hesitation in awarding habitual Mary Burns gong winners, Peel Holdings/Peel Group this year's prize for Excellence In Wrecking Salford. Cover yer eyes, bring out yer sick bags and give it up – give it all up including yer environment, yer identity and yer money – for Peel Holdings.

This way down the red carpet please…


Category: The Excellence In Wrecking Salford Award

Winner: Peel Holdings/Peel Group

Well, ladies and gentlemen, what can we say that hasn't been said before about Peel Holdings – except that no-one knows what they're actually called these days – Peel Group? Peel Investments North? Tax Dodge Inc?

Anyway, this coveted Mary Burns Award is for services to wrecking Salford in so many different ways…


Yes, incredibly, after sucking up £millions in public money from Salford Council, Salford University, BBC etc plus £millions in public money subsidies to build MediaCityUK (see here)…back in July, Peel suddenly decided that Media City was actually in Manchester and re-branded its website MediaCityUK Manchester! (see here for the full gory story). Peel just cares s-o-o-o- much about the city it almost owns…


Where do we start? Attempting to build hundreds of houses on Greenfield sites in Worsley, Boothstown and Ellenbrook (see here)? Attempting to build 600 houses on the Greenfield site of Broadoak (rejected for the time being – see here)? Vulturing around with a future planning application to build on Green Belt land in Irlam?
…Port Salford with its zillions of lorry movements a day?... Or perhaps the cherry on Peel's cake – fracking on its land all under Barton? The current IGas exploratory drilling site is on Peel land and smack in the middle of everything that the mega-bucks company owns in the area…Somehow we can't see Peel objecting to a trillion drilling rigs on Green Belt land should fracking go ahead.

Public Money

For such a rich company, that is supposed to have so much investment from China and Saudi Arabia, Peel isn't opposed to grabbing as much public money as it can get its hands on.
When it went into a joint venture company with Salford Council to build the `Salford Community Stadium' - now renamed AJ Bell Stadium – it was Salford tax payers who stumped up the £22million loan (see here)…

Port Salford gets another £15million from cash-strapped Salford Council – an £11million loan and a £4million grant, plus another £15million from the Regional Growth Fund (see here)
Indeed, Salford Star proved that Peel Holdings and all its related companies were pulling in an average of £1million in public money per month via Salford Council (see here).
Meanwhile, MediaCityUK Manchester has had, and is still getting £millions from tax payers and Salford council tax payers. For what?... "We do not have a full breakdown of what they do, but the company on the whole, at maximum, pays 10% corporation tax. That is at maximum. They do not pay their fair share of corporation tax" MP Margaret Hodge said at the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee hearing this year (see here).
"When you are using taxpayers' money…it ought to be with companies that pay their fair share back into the communal pot" she added "That is all; it is a very simple proposition."
So, for its incredibly negative impact on Salford's identity, its environment and the city's coffers, the Salford Star Mary Burns Award for Excellence In Wrecking Salford goes to…
P-e-e-e-e-l H-o-o-o-l-d-ings!!!

If someone from the Peel Group would like to make a thank you speech please use the comments box below…
Salford Star Mary Burns Award Winners 2013


Wednesday 4 December 2013

Max Steinberg Of Liverpool Vision-Take Your Blindfold Off And You Will See The Truth.

In view of the recent allegations in Private Eye about Stella Shiu.
You heard it here first.
We ask is Liverpool Vision under the leadership of Max Steinberg just PeelPoodles.
All those people who got taken in by Ms Shiu and the whole Chinese Circus including Herr Dictator Joe Anderson must be feeling a little bit sick this morning.
Even though the disgusting  local press buried it in the graveyard Saturday night Echo.
 They have all met her it seems.
We warned them not to be taken in by China as the system there is not a model one.
But no, they go on chasing the money, hardly a care in the world. Not seeming to care where it came from.
 Well is there any? Three years later and not brick has been laid either on Wirral or Liverpool Waters.
 Peel have stretched themselves  too far.
Just google the term Questions raised over 'China fever' development on Mersey....... and a Financial Times expose will appear as if by magic.
There are far too many people blinkered, and one of them is Max Steinberg who seems obsessed ith Peel Holdings
Its good for him and his career, no doubt, he gets to meet David Cameron who at this moment is in China.

Steinberg said: "It's really good news for Peel, Wirral and the wider city region. Stella Shiu is a high ranking member of the Chinese government and she has said she will bring Chinese people to the area because she is so impressed with it.

"That will undoubtedly have benefits for the region. Visitor numbers from China to Liverpool are up hugely on other years and by getting the trade centre scheme off the ground thousands of jobs will be created in Wirral."

He added that the investment was "another example of the clear benefits" of Liverpool's presence at the World Expo in Shanghai last year, where Peel was headline sponsor of the city's pavilion.

Max Steinberg: "Chinese investment will spark further interest" it certainly has done that just google Questions raised over 'China Fever' development on Mersey


It was  the NWDA, or us, the public that payed for Peel holdings at Shanghai Expo 2010 they only ccontributed 200,000 of the near 2 million pound cost and what have we got back, a load of controversy and nothing much else and Liverpool on the World Heritage In Danger List.
You need to take the goggles off Mr Steinberg before you and the other people we pay to represent us make a clown of themselves and Liverpool gets tainted with corruption....again.

Sunday 1 December 2013

David Bartlett-Shoddy Journalist. Why Did You Not Look Into Stella Shiu and Peel Holdings? J'accuse.

 After The Financial Times article Friday 29.11.3 and its focus on Stella Shiu and Peel Holdings.
 We ask today why the local press are hiding facts from the public.


The FT article was then spun around a corner by Marc Waddington and turned into a jolly good story.
 It was co-written by Liam Murphy who should be made to resign for the utter garbage that he has written about Stella Shiu being a high ranking Chinese Government official. We sent this Private Eye article to him and all hacks at Old Hall Street http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/stella-shiu-exposed-in-private-eye.html

Even now they mislead the public

We have great concerns about the level of journalism at Trinity "Smoking" Mirror here on Merseyside.
Wayne won David Bartlett an award for his world heritage writing.
He would cut and paste what he had written (check the dates they all appear the day after we printed them) throw a few misquotes in and put his name to it.
Today we accuse him of burying news from the Liverpool public.
Wayne says "I used to help him as much as I could naively thinking it would help our cause of saving the world heritage site, but then I started to notice how he would cherry pick what he wanted and drop other things in to suit what he wanted to write.
Now that he has been promoted to News Editor level we are extremely worried.
We decided some time ago to bypass the local press as we consider they don't tell the truth. There is an old saying "If you lay with dogs, you get fleas"

Our movement is growing and we intend to stay focused on the truth not half truths twisted by trained seals."

Here is a series of emails between Wayne on behalf of LPT and David Bartlett.
In light of the recent articles in the FT you decide whether he has buried the truth.
 Just so you know whats happening and what the press knows here is proof that the local press deny you information and will not engage in sensible debate.
Andy Kelly the then News Editor, was also aware of concerns we have about Stella Shiu he was sent Private Eye articls and buried them. Mark Thomas and Alastair were also advised of Private Eyes reporting....yet did nothing.
May 15
to davidbartlett

David you recently wrote a jolly good uplifting story about Peel Holdings

You will of course be aware that I have been asking you to check into the finances of Peel for over a year and its links to the Chineses government.
In order to trust the local press we have to know that they have checked their sources and are in fact not just doing press releases from whoever they may see fit.
We have to know the local press are not biased towards property developers that will, in Peels case lose us WHS status using blackmail and threats to back out of projects if they dont get thier way.

1. Where did this story eminate from.
2. What ckecks did you do to confirm that the Chinese Government is in fact on board. Did you contact them or just take someones word?
3. What checks have you done to confirm Peel have the finances or the structure to deal with such ambitious schemes considering the projects all over the country they are proposing.

4.Did you consider that in writing this story you are in fact endorsing the relationship of Stella Shui and San-Wa minerals with Peel Holdings making this look like a gigantic enterprise set up by the Chinese government at a time when there is huge corruption in China.
Where are the checks that we as a city do not get bound up in all this?

Please would you let me know how you checked this story?
I would appreciate a reply


David BartlettMay 16
David Bartlett david.bartlett@liverpool.com via trinitymirror.com

Hi Wayne,

Sorry I couldn't stop to chat the other day. Always happy to talk about Peel, probably better to do in person next time we meet rather than email.

Speak soon

David Bartlett
City Editor Liverpool Post and ECHO
0151 472 2455


Reply Forward
liverpool preservationtrust

May 20

to David

David thanks for call half an hour ago.
I understand the paper does not have enough journalists and those working there are overworked ...........but this has gone far enough now.
I have enclosed a Private Eye article that I have contributed with the sole intention of bypassing the local press who its seems are insistent on building up Stella Shiu while doing nothing in the way of checks.
I do not go with your view that she may have had financial problems in Hog Kong but that does not mean it has no effect here in the UK.
The fact that I have had to do it for you and pass it to you, and you still ignore it makes the situation seem bizarre.
I would go as far as to say it appears an editorial stance that you or your colleague Liam Murphy do no checks to substantiate your articles wherever Stella Shiu or Peels invisible finances rear their head.
Who said she was a government official this is a question I asked you and you could not answer.

I requested that you look into the finances of Peel and Stella Shiu and you said you couldnt because you are overworked.

So am I And I have better things to be doing than trawling my way through misrepresentational reporting in order to fight what me and my colleagues perceive as heritage battles ie. save Liverpools Working Heritage site while getting reconstruction.

I will ask you once again to look into the structure of Peel Holdings in view of the recent Private Eye article

As to your request to take it to Chris Walker I am asking you in a detailed and balanced manner to redress your reporting that has built up Peel and Sam Wa to mythical proportions...when common sense says there appears to b rather a lot of smoking mirrors going on.
